Indiana faces shortage of first-time teachers
From Dawn Fable Lindquist: “I wonder who will be called on and paid to do the unnecessary GOP-suggested study about why fewer people are going into teaching. It’s not a secret. Just ask us: Lower starting salaries, fewer opportunities to move up the pay scale, less value placed on earning higher degrees, less autonomy in the classroom to do what is best for our students, less tax money for anything related to education, and demonization of teachers by Mitch and Tony. And I have had it up to here with stories quoting teachers who say they are OK with getting paid poorly and having to buy their own classroom supplies because the job is their “calling.” Teaching is not my religion. It is my career, and I expect to get paid well for my work just like anyone else does. The people who want to do the study should instead spend two weeks teaching in the classroom, being observed and evaluated just like the rest of us. I think they would figure out the issues very quickly, without wasting taxpayer money. If they really want to know and really care, they would do it. I have been fortunate to work in excellent school districts, but ALL districts are dealing with these issues. If I didn’t know better, I would think Mitch and Tony and Mike wanted to end the public school system and replace it with one where you have access to quality schools only if you are rich enough to pay for them. I hope our citizens don’t let it come to that. Access to quality education is a human right longed for around the world. Let’s not throw it away here.“