Single sentence poem #3: 2/10 DID NOT ENJOY WOULD NOT RECOMMEND

Some students don’t like

any damn thing at all—

not the reading,

not the mind-clearing technique you made them try,

not your stupid face,

and especially not your stupid attendance policy

(Like, why do I even have to be there? We’re just

going to do stupid stuff, anyway.)

—and you know this,

but still, sometimes

it wears you the fuck out,

because you love this stuff,

which makes you extra stupid,

because who has time to love a story

when you’ve got fifteen million other things

to do for other classes that are more important

than this one, so stop asking me to slow down, Professor,

it’s annoying, and you’re irrelevant to the real world and


you just made me late

for my next stupid class,

which has an even stupider

attendance policy

than yours.

photo credit: Brock Whittaker photography | flickr creative commons