In July I’ll be teaching at the Midwest Writers’ Workshop. Recently they asked me a few questions for their newsletter. Here’s one:
What is your writing process like?
I don’t have one.
Or, rather, I don’t have just one. My process depends on the type of project, the reason for writing, the time I get to work on it, and probably a thousand other factors I can’t consciously discern.
For example, my process for writing this response is different than my approach for my current novel project, which is different than my approach for my last novel project, which is different than answering a hundred emails in an hour, which is different than—
You get the idea. Each project calls for something different. I have a mental junk drawer full of strategies, and I’m always on the lookout for new strategies. That way, if a certain combination doesn’t work, there’s always something else I can try. Flexibility is key. Flexibility and an experimental spirit.
That said, certain threads run through my creative practice, no matter what I’m writing. Daydreaming. Making notes. Showing up to the page (almost) every day, and finding ways to lower the pressure and boost the joy.
I get your point, but there are connecting themes to all of my writing (which includes academic writing, blogging, book writing, and more). Responding to emails is not writing. Is tedious but necessary busy work