I’m tired. I’ve been tired for a while. I can’t (or maybe don’t want to) do as much shit as I’ve been doing. I’m not burned out, exactly; it’s more like a brownout. And it might be the best thing for me.

If I have less energy, I’ll do fewer things. If I do fewer things, I’ll have to make better, more intentional choices about what those things should be. Intentional choices, too, about what to neglect. If I’m tired enough, I’ll pull back, clear some time and headspace for the core missions, whatever those turn out to be.

Here’s what I’ve figured out so far:

I don’t have to be King of email.

I don’t have to be the service star at my school.

Facebook can fuck off, at least during the week.

I need to kick ass at family-ing, writing, reading, and teaching. Those are my core missions. More importantly, maybe, those are enough.