Animal Stories

At least once a semester, a student will ask me for examples of stories written from the point of view of an animal. Today, with help from the good folks of the Creative Writing Pedagogy board on Facebook, I’ve put together this little compendium. Maybe it will help you, too.

Sun Dogs” | Brooke Bolander | Lightspeed Magazine | #dog

The Infamous Bengal Ming” | Rajesh Parameswaran | Granta | #tiger

Little Roy’s Roving Reptile Zoo” | Jim Powell | Fiction Southeast | #snake

The Great Silence” | Ted Chiang | Electric Lit | #parrot

After I Was Thrown in the River and Before I Was Drowned” | Dave Eggers | #dog

The Burrow” | Franz Kafka | THE COMPLETE STORIES | #badger

The Barn at the End of Our Term” | Karen Russell | Granta | #horse (although technically these horses are reincarnated presidents, so it’s kind of a hybrid human/animal p.o.v.)